Let’s Chat – When Everyday’s a Fashion Show: Do You Dress Up Whenever You Step Out, Even To Run Errands?

Glamazons let’s have a little girl talk for a minute. Have you ever been out and about, at let’s say a basketball game or the grocery store and notice you’re more dressed up than everyone else?

How many of you glamazing girls like to look nice everyday that you present yourself to the public? I mean I know we don’t have cameras flashing in our direction like we are Beyonce and Rihanna but that doesn’t mean we can’t look as great as she does in our everyday life, right? I know I like to.

For as long as I can remember, I have always gotten: ‘Why are you so dressed up?’ I think Glamazon Christina has the perfect response.


In college, I wore actual outfits. I don’t wear sweatpants in public. The ironic thing is, people are like why can’t you ever just ‘throw’ something on? It’s not like I’m wearing evening gowns to the grocery store! But ‘just throwing something on’ would take more effort than if I were to just throw on my trusty standby of a skirt or a dress. A pair of wedges (or heels) and jewelry and I am good to go! Even my casual is a variation of that. I don’t own a pair of sneakers that I don’t work out in. I just wear what makes me happy. *Kanye Shrug*

Glamaazons? Do you feel where I’m coming from? How dressed up do you normally get in your everyday life? Does your to-do list for the day dictate what you wear? What is your response when someone asks you why are you so dressed up? Talk to me!


Glamazon Channing




  1. Shea
    June 7, 2011 / 2:22 pm

    Now that I'm older and have two little kids I tend to dress up more on a daily basis. I want to avoid looking like the frumpy mom, beat down and disheveled. I'll wear sneakers, but something cute like Converse or Puma, no workout kicks. It is easier to wear some nice jeans and a cute top with wedges or ballet flats and my go to jewelry (small studs or hoops and a delicate necklace) than to match up sweats and looking like I just didn't give a damn that day.

  2. June 12, 2011 / 2:45 pm

    I only wear sweats and sneakers to work out. I have one pair of Chucks which I wear about once or twice a year-and that's when there's massive walking and public transit involved. I think a cute sandal or even flip flops is casual enough. I don't dress up but I do wear heels, skirts, blazers, and jewelry daily. I don't see what else there is for a lady to wear.

  3. Siënna
    June 20, 2011 / 7:36 am

    Here in Belgium i'm in an art's school so I never get that comment.There are lots and lots of different people in my school so everybody has their own style,but when school's over and i'm walking down the street,i sometimes do feel over-dressed (i don't know if i said it wright sorrry).I think it's a shame that some people don't want to look good nowadays.Ok,you can have an off-day once in a while, but that doen't mean you should live in you're sweatpants.