Welcome To Instagram, Android! Here Are Five Fashion Folks You Should Be Following

Yesterday, it was announced that previously Apple-exclusive app Instagram would be available for Android users. You would think for a second that we were back in the 90s and the whole east coast/west coast beef was alive and well. I get it, Apple users (myself included), can be a little snobby when it comes to sharing apps. We like to feel special, who doesn’t like feeling like they know about something before it goes mainstream. Take Pinterest for example.

Or if we want to take it way back, Myspace and Facebook. So you see, Android users, it isn’t you, it’s us. But now that you’re here, I would like to welcome you to the party! I know you’re all excited to finally be able to get in on all the cool filtered peeks into your friends and followers daily lives but throwing a free fashion people into the mix would make things really interesting, yes?

So here are five fashion (or fashionable) folks that you need to follow on Instagram:


June Ambrose

I mean, this really goes without saying. I’m quite sure that you are living for all things June. And let’s be honest, a half an hour on Monday’s just isn’t enough, right?


RihRih is such a messy good time, isn’t she? If you enjoy her on Twitter than you’ll love her on Instagram. Not to mention the pictures are absolutely stunning.

Solange Knowles

Get into Solange’s travels and her outfits, both are inspiring with the simple luxury that she will add to your feed o’flicks.

Refinery 29

Besides the pictures of amazing nails and shoes, there are behind the scenes peeks at style shoots, and street style shoots that will give you your fashion fix throughout the day.


This fashion feed is filled with gorgeous and awe-inspiring outfits plus a few celebrity snap shots, want more could you want?

According to Mashable, there were over 1 million downloads of Instagram for Android yesterday, so I know more than a few of you will find this list helpful. Longtime, veteran Instagram users, is there anyone I forgot?

Stay Stylish,

Glamazon Channing
