Ask The Glamazons: Tips to Get Ideal Skin with Dermatologist Mona Gohara

Hey Glamazons! I just love sharing beauty secrets and tips that I think are of interest to you, but it’s always awesome when you reach out with questions of your own.

Recently, a Glamazon asked:  “Are there any celebrities/examples of people with ideal skin you can share? Why is this ideal?”

Let me start by saying skin is a fun, but iffy subject to address because it’s constantly changing over time. In the summer months, it tends to be more oily while winter months tend to dry it out.

We all have different variations of skin. So I wouldn’t say that there is a such thing as ideal skin because we each have unique characteristics to our skin, and that’s the beauty of genetics! However, there are some qualities that most people desire when it comes to their skin such as a blemish-free, smooth, even-toned complexion.

With a little TLC in the form of creating a regime (that you’re dedicated and willing to stick to!) you’ll see results and have an improved look and feel to your skin no matter the type.

Some of my fave Glamazons with gorgeous skin are Tika Sumpter (pictured above), Kristen Bell, Halle Berry, and Hayden Panettiere.

Here are a few tips for skin like the stars from, Mona Gohara, a dermatologist and co-founder of The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Diversity Task Force:

Glamazon Margo: What’s one thing that can be done to improve the look and feel of skin?

Mona Gohara: The most important thing to remember is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Those hot winter boots are a much better winter accessory than dry, lusterless skin. Parlay ash into radiance by making sure cream makes a cameo in your daily routine.

GM: What are some of the most common mistakes that women make when it comes to caring for their skin?

MG: One of the most important things to remember as a young woman is the impor­tance of sun protection. Daily use of SPF helps to prevent premature aging and gulp-skin cancer. Everyone, regardless of skin tone, should apply sun­screen 365 days a year—even when it snows.

Yup, ultraviolet light reflects off snow, comes through the clouds and even through the windows of your car, office, or home. Forget about thick, greasy, coco-nutty products that we throw in our luggage before a Carib­bean getaway! Instead, channel newer cosmetically elegant products like powders, lip glosses, tinted bronzers and facial moisturizers that also dub as sunscreens. Thank God for the marvels of modern cosmeceuticals.

GM: How can we avoid skin-related health issues?

MG: Sun protection is the most im­portant preventative measure a young woman can take to avoid premature aging and (God forbid) skin cancer later in life. Tanning is a no-no, and tanning booths should be out­lawed. Daily use of sunscreen helps to ward off unwanted wrinkles, sun spots, and skin discoloration from old pimples, eczema, cuts from shaving, etc. Weekly exfoliation with a salicylic acid wash helps to prevent acne, and keeps the skin looking young.

Mona’s Picks:

Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer SPF 30

For brown spots left behind from acne or old cuts, try products with soy. This plus sunscreen helps to fade unwelcome blemishes that seem to linger forever.

Neutrogena Deep Clean Cream Cleanser

For acne, try over the counter Neutrogena wash with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide this helps to clean out clogged pores and in turn, zap zits.


Good old Vaseline Petroleum jelly helps relieve dry cracked heels/cuticles/skin  and it quickens the healing process for cuts/scrapes, and cold sores– a must in everyone’s medicine cabinet.

Shop these items below:

Glamazons, what are some of you skincare secrets? What celebs do you think have amazing skin?

Ciao Bellas,

Glamazon Margo
