Shopping For Those Who Matter + $50 Gift Card Giveaway! @Sears #BringTheSleigh #Ad

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Sparkles and red for the holidays!


As you can see, the holidays are my favorite time of year. But they’ve been kind of difficult lately given the loss of my grandmother. This trying time in my life made me think about people who have been super supportive to me, the people that I’m most grateful for that I want to just shower with gifts this season as a small token of my appreciation. And the first person that came to mind was my friend Seto McCoy.

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Just Seto and I hanging out with Tatyana Ali. Gag.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that Seto is my go-to hairstylist and he’s the sole reason my hair has looked fab all year long. Seriously, he’s a magician! With him, I’ve been able to not only rock amazing styles, but my hair has grown tremendously because he takes such great care of it.

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Seto styling my hair to perfection like only he can

But that’s just the beginning. Seto has become one of my greatest friends and confidants. He’s a wonderful addition to my life and to the life of everyone who has the privilege of knowing him.

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He’s so positive and uplifting, a complete joy to be around. He has this way of instantly lifting my mood, no matter how my day has been. Seto never lets me wallow in self-pity but reminds me of all the things I have to be thankful for. Whenever we’re together, you can find us laughing or joking about something. If I didn’t have him in my corner the days after my grandma passed, I don’t know what I would have done. I truly enjoy our long talks that last into the wee hours of the morning, and I love that I can totally be myself with him without judgment.

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Plus he knows how to talk me off a ledge. When I was super stressed producing the #WeAreBlackHistory shoot or the #NolaCrawl event for Style Influencers Group, he knew just what to say to encourage me. I can always count on him to support me through a tough time, and I try to do the same for him.

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Seto working his magic behind-the-scenes at the #WeAreBlackHistory shoot

For all these reasons and more, Seto deserves all my support and love. Since he recently moved into a new [beautiful] place, I decided to surprise him with home decor! We both enjoy decorating our homes and making it look like something out of The Coveteur (and Seto‘s really good at it…which is not surprising because he can do everything). So I knew exactly what to get him.

Since I have a lot of friends and family to shop for, I wanted to go to a one-stop shop where I could pick up gifts for lots of people at once, and Sears fit the bill. I shopped from the convenience of my phone (don’t you love technology?!) using the new Sears app. I’m quick to delete an app that’s confusing, slow to load, etc. The Sears app was surprisingly convenient and straightforward.

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I bought Seto‘s gifts using the app. And because I wanted to get them ASAP (instead of waiting forever and a day for shipping) I tried out their In-Vehicle service. It lets Shop Your Way members pick up, return or exchange their online purchases for free – in five minutes or less – without ever leaving the car. To be honest, Glamazons, I didn’t believe they could even pull it off until I tried it. We never stepped out the car (a PLUS in this cold) and got the items in no time.

Seto was so happy to get his gift. Check out his reaction below:

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Aww, love him! He’s one of those thoughtful people that’s always doing for others and never expecting anything in return. So I loved hooking him up for the holidays!

And I want to give you guys the chance to gift someone who matters in your life for the holidays! I’m giving away a $50 gift card to Sears to one lucky reader. Fill out the code below to enter:

Good luck, Glamazons!


Glamazon Jessica

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Sears. The opinions expressed herein are those of Glamazons Blog and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Sears.



  1. Heather Carter
    December 8, 2015 / 12:07 am

    I would use this to buy my daughter Brianna a beautiful new dress. She is deserving because she just entered Junior HIgh and its been a really rough transition for her. She’s been homeschooled for years and all of a sudden there are all these cliques and she doesnt feel like she fits in anywhere. I keep trying to tell her, don’t try to fit in. Find people who like you for who you are. She’s trying.

  2. HS kraftmaking
    December 8, 2015 / 10:53 am

    I would get my husband some new working clothes, he works hard and supports our family, totally deserves the treat.

  3. mami2jcn
    December 8, 2015 / 11:20 am

    I would give it to my husband because he works so hard to take care of us.

  4. Julie Wood
    December 8, 2015 / 11:28 am

    I would gift this to my sister because she is a terrific single Mom who sacrifices every day for her two kids and she needs to get a nice gift from me to help her out during the Holidays!!

  5. Elena
    December 8, 2015 / 1:09 pm

    I would give it to my husband because he works hard and deserves a good gift

  6. Elle
    December 8, 2015 / 1:24 pm

    I would buy something for my Mother with the gift card, probably a nice blouse or perfume.

  7. December 8, 2015 / 1:35 pm

    I would give this to my Dad. He had a rough year. He was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (a fairly rare blood cancer) last year and had a bone marrow transplant this summer. We just got the news that he is in remission. We are all so happy and he is living life with a new outlook these days. Sears is his favorite store and I would love to give him a gift card to shop with!

  8. December 8, 2015 / 2:40 pm

    I would give this to my friend from college. She had a baby 3 weeks ago and I know she could use this!

  9. Megan Zuchowski
    December 8, 2015 / 3:16 pm

    I would give this to my boyfriend. He doesn’t have a lot of extra right now especially around Christmas time. I’d love for him to buy something for himself for once

  10. December 8, 2015 / 3:20 pm

    I would gift it to my best friend who’s had a hard year. xoxo

  11. Jessica To
    December 8, 2015 / 3:54 pm

    I would gift this to my son because he helps me each day and brightens each day.

  12. Laurajj Jacobson
    December 8, 2015 / 4:17 pm

    Oh I would love to gift a family we are trying to help this year for Christmas! Would love to send some toys for the kids!

  13. Janice Cooper
    December 8, 2015 / 4:57 pm

    I would gift this to my mother in law because she is so giving and always doing for others and never herself.

  14. natasha
    December 8, 2015 / 10:33 pm

    I would get a little something for my 3 kids that I love so much.

  15. jenmalonee
    December 9, 2015 / 9:00 am

    I would gift this to my husband. He works very hard at his job, he helps coach the kids’ sports teams, and he is a great dad.

  16. Linda
    December 9, 2015 / 9:16 am

    I would buy something special for my husband who is always special to me.

  17. Lauren
    December 9, 2015 / 9:21 am

    I would give it to my mom because she is a caregiver for her mom.

  18. latanya t
    December 9, 2015 / 10:21 am

    My husband because he takes such good care of me and our son.

  19. shellypeterson
    December 9, 2015 / 12:13 pm

    I would use it to buy my friend Victoria a gift because she helps so many others and would love to get her something special.

  20. Natalie
    December 9, 2015 / 1:38 pm

    I would use the gift card to buy my mom a nice gift. She has done SO much for me and I want to show her my appreciation.

  21. Terra Heck
    December 9, 2015 / 2:31 pm

    I would gift some tools from Sears for my husband. He’s deserving because he’s a hard-working man who spoils me. Thanks.

  22. Christy DuBois
    December 11, 2015 / 10:32 am

    I would use this to purchase a gift for my mother. She is always selflessly doing for me and my children.

  23. Dawn Monroe
    December 11, 2015 / 6:16 pm

    I would buy my son a comforter set or kitchen supplies for his new place. We are very proud of him.

  24. Lisa Brown
    December 12, 2015 / 7:29 am

    I would buy tools for my husband’s work. Thanks for the chance :)

  25. Janet Watson
    December 12, 2015 / 9:24 am

    I would gift this gift card to my brother in law. He lost his wife about five years ago to cancer and he’s still living in the same house and his goal has been to make the upgrades she always wanted.

  26. Nikki
    December 12, 2015 / 11:50 am

    I would probably use it on gifts. Thanks!

  27. AmandaSakovitz
    December 12, 2015 / 2:40 pm

    I would give this to my mom because shes my best friend

  28. usnamom2014
    December 12, 2015 / 4:42 pm

    I would gift it to my husband who works so hard for his family/

  29. Shauni Reid
    December 12, 2015 / 7:15 pm

    I would gift it to my husband. Our 7 year anniversary is coming up on Dec. 15th and he had his eye on a few tools from Sears.

  30. Thomas Murphy
    December 12, 2015 / 10:43 pm

    I would get my mom something because she is always there for me.

  31. Sarah Hayes
    December 12, 2015 / 11:11 pm

    Id love to gift this to my parents. they do so much for my daughter and me and deserve so much in return