That Time I Went On The Meredith Vieira Show PLUS My Home Beauty Remedy!



It’s not everyday you get to talk (weird) beauty recipes with Meredith Vieira but such was the case yesterday when I appeared on a taping of her daytime talk show. And Glamazons, she was so warm, sweet and funny! It was an amazing experience!

But let me start at the beginning: I was approached by a producer to join her segment after a recommendation from a friend (thanks, Alicia!). Once I learned the segment was about bizarre home beauty remedies, one immediately came to mind: a natural hair remedy that I once read on Black Girl Long Hair that stinks to high heaven but is pretty effective. The producers loved it and next thing you know, I was backstage at the famous NBC Studios in Rockefeller Center!


I met up with the amazing women in my “Weird Beauty Home Remedy” segment, Olga Gonzalez, an esthetician with a brow product line, OMG Brows, and Ginnie Leeming, who runs a lifestyle blog, Hello Little Home. We were having a blast making jokes and laughing in — get this — our own dressing room! Gah.

From L to R: Olga, Ginnie and I!

We got our makeup done for the show and I loved how mine came out (especially the brows)!


They DID that! Then, it was time to tape.


We were ushered through these doors to set to chat with Meredith Vieira, who is really the nicest person ever. I felt like I knew her! She makes you so comfortable and it really felt like talking to a friend (just with a studio audience and tons of people watching on TV!).


I am not the best public speaker (improving is something I put on this year’s vision board) so this was a huge accomplishment for me. I just prayed (a LOT!) and tried my best to be comfortable and be myself. I’m so glad I didn’t let fear or anxiety stop me from embracing this opportunity. And my friends (and grandma!) said I did fantastic! Can I tell you, facing fear is the most freeing and liberating feeling?! And now, I’m excited to do more public speaking (imagine that)!

The lovely ladies in the Bizarre Beauty Home Remedies segment with Meredith Vieira

The show aired today on NBC at 2PM EST — but it will come on TV again at 2AM EST tonight if you want to DVR! Watch the video below:

In the meantime, let’s talk: is fear getting in the way of any goals you’ve set for yourself? Have you ever overcome fear to reach a goal? Tell me!

Catch the Meredith Vieira show every weekday on NBC at 2PM EST!

Meredith Vieira Online | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram


Glamazon Jessica

Thanks for the TV screenshots, Glamazon Makho!



  1. LexiWithTheCurls
    October 3, 2014 / 11:44 am

    OMG Congrats! I need you to send me a clip! Im sure you did a fab job!!

    • October 3, 2014 / 2:04 pm

      Aww thanks luvvie! I’ll show when I see you next week! <3

  2. K.
    October 7, 2014 / 2:37 pm

    Sooo happy for you :-)
    Congratulations and infinite blessings!!! Xoxo

  3. October 12, 2014 / 8:09 pm

    Congrats that’s so cool! Public speaking always gives me anxiety. It’s great that you were able to overcome it!