Glamazon Guide: How To Mix Prints Like Michelle Obama and Solange Knowles

One trend that keeps reappearing that I just can’t seem to get down with is mixing prints. To me, it just always looked like you fell into your dirty clothes hamper and were too late to care that you looked like a homeless person wearing all your clothes. That description may or may not be too dramatic but you catch my drift, right Glamazons?

However, slowly but surely, I’ve come to see that this trend can, in fact, be cute. I’ve taken cues from our First Lady, Michelle Obama and from the J.Crew catalog. Whaaat? Yall know I am the definition of #CrewLove when it comes to that retailer. There are a few things that I have noticed however that we can do to keep this trend from veering into the homeless person wearing all your clothes terrority, hmmk?

Here are a few pairings that will always work. Stripes paired with florals. The ‘louder’ print on top. Graphic prints paired with something animal print. Lastly, two huge trends for Spring: military and florals. The edginess of the military aspects will balance out the super fem-ness of the florals. But if all else fails, I say just pair colors that are either in the same color family or complement each other.

So what does this look like in terms of outfits? Take a gander below:



What do you think? Will you be mixing prints anytime soon?

Stay Stylish,

Glamazon Channing
