The Simple Changes You Can Make Right NOW To Start Living a Healthier Lifestyle


I don’t have to tell you my schedule is busy. Living and working in NYC, there’s always some event, meeting, press trip or deadline filling up my calendar. And with all that on my plate, it’s easy to let my health take a backseat. There were times when I’d go without sleeping (hello, Fashion Week!) let alone eating three healthy meals a day, fitting in time to do yoga and taking my vitamins. I used to consider that a luxury!

But with the new year, I made a pledge to myself that I’d make my health a priority. And believe it or not, it gave me the energy and stamina to do everything on my schedule! I totally recommend a complete lifestyle makeover to any woman who is constantly on the go, and wants to look, feel and live better. Here are 7 steps to get there.

1. Change your diet.


The best thing I ever did was start to incorporate leafy greens and fruits into my regular diet. I don’t get the sluggish feeling I used to have after I eat, and I have way more energy to do some of the things I love. If you’re not crazy about eating fruits and veggies as is, check out this smoothie recipe for a quick energy boost that tastes delicious.

2. Get some rest.

Glamazons, can I tell you a (horrible) secret? At my first job at The Magazine, I used to work late then head out to an industry party then go back to work the next morning. How I survived off of barely any sleep, I’ll never understand. These days, I’m grateful to get a full 8 hours, and my body is too. I wake up energized, full of life and ready to tackle the day.

3. Find a workout you love.


Working out is a must, but not all forms of exercise are created equally in my opinion. While I’m not always a fan of going to the gym, I do love running, dancing and doing yoga (I weight train at home). If you identify a workout routine you actually enjoy, you’ll find it easier to stick with it.

4. Meditate.

It’s important to clear your mind after your workday so you don’t carry that stress around with you. I’ve learned to meditate (thanks to yoga) and it’s become my new favorite thing. It really helps me to truly relax and keep my stress levels to a minimum.

5. Take your vitamins.

We forget how important vitamins are in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I love vitafusion™ because they’re easy to take, convenient (don’t need water) and tasty (made with natural fruit flavors). vitafusion™ Hair Skin and Nails is my fave because it contains biotin which helps support your hair/skin/nail health.*


I’ve also tried vitafusion™ Beauty Sleep to support my sleep cycle and vitafusion™ Relaxed Mood for relaxation (it has theanine and zinc).*


Love them all!

6. Drink more water.

You’re supposed to drink 8 glasses a day and while that might sound excessive, it feels amazing. I like to drink water with every meal to help promote a healthy digestive system. And added bonus: it’s so much better for you than sugary drinks (down with soda!).

7. Walk around.

Off Shoulder Dress Street Style

The good thing about New York City is that I get to walk around a lot. Walking around at least 3 times a week for about a half hour will do wonders for you physically and keep your heart healthy.

What are your best healthy lifestyle tips, Glamazons? Let’s chat in the comments!


Glamazon Jessica

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by vitafusion™  through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about vitafusion™ gummy vitamins, all opinions are my own.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


1 Comment

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