3 Things To Do Tonight If You’re A Single Gal On Valentine’s Day

Ok, I totally don’t want this to come off as “I’m a lonely, bitter single woman on Valentine’s Day” post, so I’ll spare you all of the details on my non-existant love live. Side note: Actually, there’s plenty of love in my life, but it just doesn’t come from a significant other is all. So, this one is for all the single ladies who aren’t looking to do anything but have a little bit of fun tonight!

#1. Treat yourself to an indoor spa night.

Alright, this might sound like an extremely cliche and corny way for you to celebrate Valentine’s Day alone (especially if it’s something that you do on a regular basis every Saturday anyways) but I feel like tonight is the night for you to go ALL out. Wash your hair and apply a super moisturizing deep conditioner and sink into a bathtub full of decadent bubbles. Slather on a face mask, pour yourself a glass of wine (or champagne!), cut on some music and just relax. (Or perhaps you’re like me and enjoy reading the latest issue of your fave magazine while in the bath.) If you happen to live in Manhattan and your bathtub is non-existent, you can sub this activity out by taking a long shower (complete with deep conditioner application and body scrub) and then once you get out of the shower apply a nice oil to damp skin (this will make you super soft for later!) If you’re feeling like this is really extra for one to do without having plans for later, feel free to call over a boo as I’m sure he’ll definitely appreciate your superbly scented and soft hair and skin. Who knows? Maybe he’ll end his usual asshole behavior for the evening and you’ll actually enjoy each other’s company!

#2. Hit the town…alone!

Yes, you read the correctly: I totally encourage you to go out alone. While it’s always fun to go out with a gaggle of your girlfriends (or boyfriends) you’ll be surprised at the amount of attention you get from guys when you’re alone; especially if you’re alone and looking extra hot! Treat yourself to a blow out at your favorite salon, mani/pedi and why not splurge on a super cute new outfit complete with extra high heels? Like my new pal Giuliana says, some of the best places as a hot single gal in the city to hit up include cool hotel bars and lounges so those should be first on your agenda.

#3. Host a “We’re All Single On Valentine’s Day” get together at your apartment and do things such as discuss past relationships that went awry while drinking and watching old episodes of Sex And The City.

Yes, I know this sounds super lame, but trust me, Glamazons, I’ve done this before and it actually turned out to be super fun! The group consisted of me, my girls and gay guy besties and we learned so much from each other just by hearing about each others’ past relationships. It doesn’t have to be all sad and sappy unless you make it and, if your friends are anything like mine, then it definitely won’t be! Also, I still stand by the fact that there’s lots to be learned from watching the relationship shenningans of our favorite SATC characters. (The writers of that show are all genius in my book!)

Alright, so who else is single on Valentine’s Day? What do you plan on doing tonight (if not any of the above activities?) Share everything below in the comments section! In the meantime, below are some fab products to get you started…


