Covet List: House Party Clutch by Kashmir.VIII



Everyone has their decade that they came of age and for me, that’s indisputably the ’90s. The golden age of hip hop, the family sitcoms everyone watched and loved and the classic movies we knew all the words too. I’ve watched House Party probably fifty thousand times. No, seriously, I’ve seen it so much I think it actually happened to me. It was always on TV growing up and I had to watch it every single time it aired. Pretty sure I had a crush on Kid.

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When I finally was old enough to throw my own house parties (and there were plenty), I always thought of the misadventures Kid and Play got into with all three movies, and that epic dance off (which I used to get off my couch to do):

Kid and Play really took it to another level. In honor of them, it’s only right I wear this clutch to my next party, right?


The bright colors, the ’90s haircuts and house in the background are just so perfect. I came across the designer, Kashmir VIII on Instagram, and I absolutely love her work.


Besides clutches, she has pillows featuring the whole cast of Martina Different World tote and a notebook with a beautiful painting of Maya Angelou flanking the front. I seriously want everything…starting with this clutch.

The House Party clutch is 12.5 x 8.5 inches, and the design is printed on the front and back. It retails for $65, and is available HERE. Would you wear this adorable clutch, Glamazons? Did you grow up watching House Party, too?


Glamazon Jessica


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