Take The Schick Quattro Dare PLUS Win Tickets To A Katy Perry Concert!

Yeah, it’s Monday which really sucks in the summertime when the weather is gorge and you’d much rather be lounging by the pool or at the beach than going into an office. But, here’s something to brighten up your day a little bit more: I’ve managed to get my hands on two Katy Perry concert tickets for 8/6 in Los Angeles at the Nokia Theater! (Side Note: Yes, the tickets are for L.A. so you’re probably no longer excited if you don’t live there, but think of it this way: if you enter and win, now you have an excuse to take a fun road trip or create a mini vaca for yourself should you win them!)

So, here’s what you have to do in order to enter this awesome giveaway: go to www.facebook.com/schickquattroforwomen and complete one of their super fun dares. (Just click the FaceBook link above as I’ve provided the link straight to the tab for you!) Follow us on Twitter and then send us a tweet  (@GlamazonsBlog) along with the hashtag #SchickQuattroDare telling us why you think you deserve a pair of tickets to the Katy Perry concert in L.A. We’ll pick one winner on Wednesday of this week. (8/3)

Me busting moves all over the place!


It’s super easy to do and even easier to win! Now, you’re probably wondering if I’ve taken one of their dares and yes, I have! My dare was to bust a move in public which was pretty awesome considering the fact that I love sporadically dancing when everyone’s looking anyways hahahaha. Click here to read all about it. I challenge you to do the same and then upload your picture and experience to the Schick Quattro FaceBook page.

Good luck to all those who take the dare to enter! I can’t wait to see your dares!


Glamazon Andrea
