FIRST LOOK!: MAC Bronze Everyday Collection

In addition to my desire to have super blonde hair, I also die over bronzer. Like, anything that will make my skin look tan, I just gotta have! Now, being that I’m a former beauty editor, I realize all too well the importance of wearing sunscreen, so you won’t find me laying out without it on. I also wear it daily on my face thanks to my L’Oreal face moisturizer.

However, living in New York isn’t exactly the best place to be when you’re looking to achieve a healthy looking tanned look. We have the longest winters ever and I can’t really blame people that live here and are always slathering on self-tanner or getting a spray tan. I mean, just look at the cast of Jersey Shore! We’re always so pale that we may tend to overdue it a bit (that’s an extreme example!) but there is a way to add a color to your skin without going to Snooki extreme.

My fave way is to use bronzer! When I say that I’ve used pretty much every bronzer on the market, please believe me. From the drugstore to the prestige, I’ve tested them all. However, my favorite comes from MAC. So you can only imagine my glee (in true Glamazon fashion I squealed, of course!) when I received this new collection of bronzers from the brand.

Bronzing Powder: Available in three shades (Refined Golden; Golden (pictured above); Matte Bronze) these powders are all great to use anywhere on your body. My personal fave thing to do with ’em is to contour my cheekbones or even brush along my chest and into my cleavage when I’m wearing low-cut tops. $27.50 each


Skinsheen Leg Spray: Available in Medium Dark (pictured above) and Dark, these sprays go on easy (never blotchy!) and don’t have that weird, obnoxious smell that most items like this have. I also like to use this stuff on my arms and chest area in addition to my legs. $26.50 each


Lustre Drops: Available in two shades (Pink Rebel and Sun Rush) this sheeny liquid works great as a highlighter on your cheekbones. I like to wear this stuff on my bare skin (or over foundation) to give me a nice looking glow; which comes in handy when you hardly ever get any real sleep as it makes you look just that much more alive. $19.50 each

Mineralize Skinfinish Natural: Available in two shades (Give Me Sun (pictured above) and Sun Power) these powders are just like the bronzer except they don’t give you as heavy as color when you apply so it’s more like a light dusting of bronze when you apply it onto your face. $27.00 each


Mineralize Skinfinish: Available in two shades (Soft and Gentle and Gold Deposit) these powders are another way to add a nice glowy sheen to your skin. I also might mention that I’m obsessed with powders like this because I feel like it mixes both worlds of what I want in a bronzer! $28.00 each

All of these products will be available for purchase at your local MAC store, counter or online at on April 7. What do you think of the products, Glamazons? Is anyone else out there just as obsessed with being tan as I am?!


