Glamazon Guide: What To Wear To A Fashion Internship Interview

‘Tis the season to start applying for summer internships! Which means that there is a chance that you will be going on interviews for said internships, right? Good for you, Glamazons, you sought out a fashion internship, wrote an amazing cover letter, and now you are going on an interview. Don’t worry, if you’ve already been on a fashion job interview, getting dressed for an internship in the fashion industry isn’t too different.

Be sure to pay attention to this season’s major trends. What are you living for? Does it work for your body type? Then wear that! It’s important to show that you are up on what’s current. Just one trendy piece though, don’t go crazy, and pair with classic separates and/or accessories to balance out your look.

Try to stay away from loud labels. Or anything visibly labeled, for that matter. Knowing your designers is one thing, but looking like a clothes horse, is a totally different thing. You don’t want anything to outshine your dazzling personality, daaahling.

Yes, the fashion industry is a creative field but that doesn’t mean that it’s a free-for-all in terms of looks. Nothing too short or too tight. Same for anything too glittery or casual.

Also, you should keep it natural when it comes to makeup. But a fun pout or polish will add a pop of personality to your look.

Whew, now that that’s out of the way, here are a few examples of what works:



Good luck on your interviews!

Stay Stylish,

Glamazon Channing
