A Day In The Life: My Time In Las Vegas As A @CosmoProflv Trendscout

Hey Glamazons – Everyone loves Vegas – including me! Throw in a conference full of the newest, latest and greatest in the beauty world, and you’ve got my idea of heaven. Every year, CosmoProf holds a super important conference in which hundreds of beauty brands participate to show off their goods in pretty much every category under the sun. There are even brands that come from far off places such as Korea and London! This year, it was held at The Mandalay Bay and I was asked by CosmoProf to be an official TrendScout for the conference. Duuuuh I said YES.

Side note: This conference was a much needed reminder that I really should start researching/testing out more international beauty brands! 


I first heard about CosmoProf years ago as a young beauty reporter at WWD. Every year, I’ve said I’m going to attend, but life always somehow managed to pull me into a different direction. Fast forward years later to now and I’m proud to say that my hard work covering the beauty industry is finally starting to pay off! Part of my job as a TrendScout meant that I was hired out to live tweet from the event. So amazing! I was super excited.

Here are a few of my highlights:



1. I was literally covered in glitter. Alright, not like all over my entire body, but on my lips and chest. I found this brand called Tattoo Junkie and picked out a set of red lips. Super cute! They both looked really sparkly and come off easily with any type of oil applied to them. Side note: I rocked the sparkly lips for a bit before finally wiping them clean with a bit of body lotion and a Kleenex. 


2. I found a touch screen flat iron called the Quantum. When I saw this tool, it took Jesus and all of his Disciples for me not to just throw into my bag and run. It’s from this brand called Theorie and they make tons of super cool, high-tech hair tools. Apparently, they’re really big among the hairstylists set, so I couldn’t even believe that I’d never heard of them in all of my years of covering beauty! What sets this one apart from the others is that it contains super smooth plates that are sculpted from titanium glazed with glossy ceramic and fired in vacuum ovens. It heats up fast, has an auto safety shut-off and comes with a heat-resistant case making it easy for travel. It’s pretty pricey ($245!) so I can’t wait to get my hands on one and test it out. Side note: Yes, hair tools make me super excited. I am practically salivating at the mouth as I type this hahaha. 


3. I made some awesome new friends. No offense to all of my East Coast blogger buddies, but it was refreshing to meet and connect with bloggers/vloggers from all over the U.S.! One of my new faves is Susan Yara and Anna Fryxell of MixedMakeup. Like me, Susan did the #NYC struggle for years and, also like me, she said she loves to visit but has no desire to live there full-time ever again. hahaha


4. The brand treated us to a fun night of cocktails and a Burlesque show. I’m obsessed with Burlesque dancers! So this show was a real treat. So fun!


5. There’s a dope London based nail brand called Leighton Denny that has an array of some of the most amazing shades I’ve ever seen.  The brand has plans to launch in the U.S. very soon, but for now, I’m excited to have my hands on some of these gorgeous shades!


6. I talked so much that I lost my voice. It took a day of me saying absolutely nothing to no one to recover. This hasn’t happened to me in years! I mean, I know I talk a lot, but clearly I overdid it…in a good way, of course. That’s me pictured above with the other Trend Scouts (minus Susan) after our first touch base meeting. We were so excited to see our official TrendScout sign all over the conference area, so we stopped to snap a pic with one!

There’s lots of other things that I did while in Vegas, but, well, all of that’s going to have to just stay in Vegas! =)


Glamazon Andrea




