Tips For Mixing Prints

Glamazons, Mixing prints requires that you use your imagination, something I never get tired of doing (seriously…I’m an “old woman” with the spirit of an overly excited five year-old). To mix and match patterns that…

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Boston Strong: Adidas Releases ‘Boston Tribute Tee,’ Proceeds Go To One Fund Boston

Glamazons, Sometimes the most horrible, tragic, unimaginable crime can reveal the true strength of a city and a nation. That happened when Boston faced the unthinkable: a bombing at the end of a marathon that…

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Try This: Eden Body Works Peppermint Tea Tree Hair Milk

Glamazons, Can I share my struggle with you guys? OK so I was desperately searching for a product that could give me curl definition while moisturizing my hair. Gel defined my curls but dried my hair out…

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What I Wore: ASOS Round Sunglasses with Pearl Highbrow, H&M Polka Dot Blouse, Yellow Skirt and Zara High Heel Vamp Shoes

Glamazons, I’m a city girl through and through but the truth is sometimes, even Glamazons need a little nature in their lives. I love seeing the NY sun set in between sky-high buildings, walking through…

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FIRST LOOK! A.J. Crimson Makeup Ad featuring Letoya Luckett, Adrienne Bailon and Alexandra Burke

Glamazons, You know I hate to pick favorites when it comes to makeup artists but if I did have to choose my ultimate fave, A.J. Crimson (above with yours truly and mogul Ashley Small) would be at the…

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