A Day In The Life: Hanging Out With CoverGirl’s Paula Patton


WOW. I can’t even believe that it’s already Friday! This weekend is going to be crazy in that I’m moving (i.e. one of the most torturous things in the world…ugh) but last weekend (i.e. Saturday) I was lucky enough to have loads of fun with CoverGirl Queen Collection’s newest brand ambassador, Paula Patton!



The brand invited myself (along with a group of other bloggers) to D.C. in order to meet her at the Blogalicious Conference and then to an exclusive dinner with Paula and her makeup artist Fiona Stiles. (Who is absolutely amazing, BTW! That’s her in the picture below seated next to Paula.)


While at the dinner, Paula got super emotional and began crying when telling us how excited she was to belong to the CoverGirl family. She also said that being a busy mom makes it difficult to always remember to do simple things (such as even putting on makeup lol) but she’s gotten better at it. (Side note: I don’t even have a baby and I sometimes get so swamped/exhausted that even I forget to put on makeup so I can totally relate to how that feels!) Luckily, I was seated right across from her and when she asked me what me what my ultimate dream was, I told her to publish books (obvs being that I love writing and all) and she promptly promised to come to my book signing party. At that moment I fell in love with her. Sigh. Then (like the crazy person that I am) I had to leave dinner early to catch a 10 p.m. train back into the city. But, it warmed my heart to know that there are still genuine people such as Paula out there in Hollywood. While on the train, I checked out the products in our goody bags and we received the newly packaged Natural Hue Pressed Powder (which, btw, I’ll totally have to swap out for a much lighter shade being that I’m on that side of the African American color spectrum lol), Lash Fanatic Mascara and Vivid Impact Eyeliner. These products won’t be available until January 2012, but I’m going to go ahead and test ’em out now and let you know what I think!


Glamazon Andrea
