Internet Critics, Here’s A Lesson on Dark-Skinned Women and Red Lipstick


Oh, ASAP Rocky.

I’ve long been a fan of your silky flowing black hair and flawless skin and wanted to give you kudos for it. I really did. But now you think a roller set and facial makes you the king of beauty advice.

How else can you explain this “gem” you gave to The Coveteur:

“But for real, for me, I feel like with the red lipstick thing it all depends on the pair of complexion. I’m just being for real. You have to be fair skinned to get away with that.”

Civil rights sigh.

Sadly, ASAP Rocky isn’t the first to believe this flawed logic, and he won’t be the last.

The truth is red lipstick is one of those magical colors that work on everyone. Women with skin tones that range from deep to pale can find their perfect red and wear it with ease.

The myth that dark-skinned women can’t wear red is ludicrous because the best way to choose a crimson lippie is based on undertones.

Let me break it down for the non-believers:

1. If you have a warm, golden undertone (think Gabrielle Union), reds with a yellow or brown base will work for you.
2. If your skin is more cool and you have a red undertone (think Viola Davis) or blue undertone (think Alek Wek), deep reds with a blue base are your best bet.
3. If your skin is olive based (think Lauryn Hill), reds with a neutral undertone are the best way to go.

Bonus: If your lips are dark, dab some concealer on them to even out the tone before applying lipstick.

Isn’t that simple?

And to boot, here are several dark-skinned women who nail red lipstick color, including yours truly:

[nggallery id=28]

That’s not all! Here are several lipstick shades that work well on various skin tones:

Now, repeat back to me what you learned today, ASAP Rocky.

You May Also Like: My Favorite Red Lipsticks for Dark Skin


Glamazon Jessica



  1. April 8, 2013 / 3:38 pm

    I don´t get it…how in the world could that be coming out of his mouth?? Complete bull….with the wrong red, any fair girl looks like a clown…with the right red any darker skin girl looks like a glamazone!

    • April 11, 2013 / 10:13 am

      Amen! Scream it from the rooftops. I hate that ASAP made it about skin tone and not about choosing the right shade no matter what complexion you are. Definite fail on his part. Thanks for reading, lady!

  2. April 9, 2013 / 7:26 pm

    Haha you said “Roller Set & A Facial” that’s so true. It’s unfortunate that ASAP rocky thinks this way. You can take them out of the hood and expose them to the finer things but their raggedy mindset from where they come from remains the same. This is the mental narrative towards women of darker color that you will often find in the hood. The lighter skin tone is glorified while the darker skin tone is frowned upon. Sometimes the hatred towards our women of dark skin tone is so deep that no matter how much proof you present to them they will still see what they want to see. Perhaps there is a chance that this is more than just giving beauty advice but simply a offspring of a deeper underlying issue regarding color!!!

    Also it is rumored that ASAP rocky is a homosexual, whether it’s true or not is of no importance to me but I’ve often notice men who are homosexual tend to mentally put themselves on the same level as real women and will deal with them within this capacity often being messy with their delivery in what they have to say.

    By the way I really like the make over of your site

    Yeshi :-)

    • April 11, 2013 / 10:12 am

      Thank you so much Yeshi :-) And I couldn’t agree more about colorism. It’s also ignorance because red lipstick can work for all skin tones. And women of any complexion can choose the wrong shade if they don’t have the right information. Duh, ASAP Rocky.

      About those homosexual rumors… *sips tea*

  3. April 10, 2013 / 11:14 am

    Beyond ignorant. But I refuse to be affected by the opinions of a man that wears skirts on a regular basis.

    • April 11, 2013 / 10:04 am

      Right! We say nothing about his “kilts” so he can leave us alone with our red lips (which we rock beautifully, I might add)