Glamazons – I’m sure you’ve read the news that Women’s Wear Daily (the daily newspaper that was once referred to as the Fashion Bible) is making some serious changes.
According to the New York Post, the daily will no longer be, well, daily. The 105-year-old newspaper is cutting its printing frequency from daily to weekly and focusing on its Web presence. The final daily print issues will be April 24.
While it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the newspaper, it does make me super sad to read this news. Not only because I love the publication (it’s one of the first ones that I read every morning!) but also because it was my first real New York job. It was at WWD that I received my very first byline and learned that perhaps it wouldn’t be so hard after all for me to make it in the Concrete Jungle after all. But, let me back up and give you a bit more history about that.
I first moved to Manhattan about a year or so after college. I’m originally from Texas and earned a Journalism degree from the University Of North Texas. While at UNT, I worked at the campus newspaper, The North Texas Daily, and fell in love with print journalism. I covered everything from Student Government meetings to campus celebrity visits and community events such as new bar openings (hey, that was pretty important news back in the day!). I also completed an internship at The Tampa Tribune one summer and after completing it, I just knew that the life of a report was the one for me. So, by the time I decided that I wanted to live and write in New York, there was only newspaper I had in mind: WWD. This was before the huge days of social media (I know! So hard to believe that there was actually time before hashtags!) so there was nothing to do but pick up the phone and call/send letters and writing clips via snail mail. Which is exactly what I did. Lucky me, I caught Julie Naughton (Senior Prestige Beauty Editor) in a good mood and she called me in for an interview.
I was dying. Not only had I never been to New York, but this was huge! I had a dream of writing in the big city and it seemed as though it was actually coming true! I was in heaven. I had the interview with Julie (at the time, I remember there were packed boxes everywhere as it was right when the daily was making their move into their now current offices on Third Avenue) and we bonded over our love for Dr. Pepper. She was super nice and asked me when I could start – as their beauty intern. Not exactly the position I was hoping for, but you have to start somewhere right?! So, I eagerly accepted the position, packed my bags in Texas, and moved to Manhattan (Harlem to be exact as I’d found a room to sublet there on Craigslist). Because the internship was unpaid, I took a job working at EXPRESS on 18th & 5th as a Sales Leader (which is basically a Junior Manager) so that I could pay rent and perhaps eat.

Oh, just hanging out at Diddy’s first fragrance launch party. I was standing next to Pete, holding my glass of wine and trying to join in on the conversation. I had no clue this photo was even being taken at the time and was so surprised to open up the paper the next day to see the photo along with the story! This was before I was a blonde, but I do remember spending my last bit of money on a brand new pair of black Louboutin heels to wear that night. Apparently, the investment was worth it because I was later invited to the (super exclusive!) after party. #WINNING lol
It was kind of sad to me that there were no full-time positions available at WWD as Beauty Editor, but that was ok. I had to start somewhere, so I rolled up my sleeves and dove in headfirst. My editor was Pete Born (he’s currently the Executive Editor) and I thought he was the coolest dude on the planet. I mean, the man had a picture of himself squashed between Steve Stoute and Jay-Z! He was dopiness personified. While he was usually cool, calm and collected, his temper did (and could) flare up on occasion and I just wanted to make sure that I stayed on his (and Julie’s!) good side. So, I cleaned out/organized the massive beauty closet and helped do research for the other beauty editors whenever needed. I also offered to cover events and write everything from the small Beauty Snippets to the larger features. I pitched pitched story ideas whenever possible.

Remember when NYC was full of pay phones?! I know. So long ago. Found this little gem of a photo taken at Union Square during my first year or so living in the city.
While it was definitely a soul suck that I had to work in retail at the same time, I can honestly say that my time at WWD was quite possibly the best writing gig that I’ve ever had. Not necessarily because everyone was nice and smiling and happy all of the time, but mostly because none of the editors were ever afraid to give me a chance when it came to writing. It seems like a lifetime ago that I worked there (especially now that I’m a mom!) However, those writing clips I gained helped to open the doors to the beauty editorial world for me and for that, I will always be grateful. Here’s to its digital rebirth!
Glamazon Andrea